Becoming a Successful HR in the Modern World
Brand is originated and cultivated internally
Continuous Performance Management : Turning employee’s painful experience to growth mindset
Modern Professional: what do they look like & how do they learn
IDP: the last jigsaw piece for talent managment success
Soft skill as a differentiator
2019 Thailand's HR Trends
OKR - make sure you know it before make a move
HR in disruptive world : ep 6-6 Leadership Development Redefined
HR in disruptive world: ep. 6-5 Workforce Planning Redefined
HR in disruptive world : Engagement redefined
HR in disruptive world : ep.6-3 Learning & Development Redefined
HR in disruptive world : ep 6-2 Performance Management Redefined
HR in disruptive world : ep 6-1 Recruitment redefined
HR in disruptive world : ep 5 Talent strategy redefined
HR in disruptive world : ep 4 : HR roles redefined
HR in disruptive world : ep 3-4 Leader redefined
HR in disruptive world : ep 3-3 Work redefined
HR in disruptive world : ep 3-2 Workplace redefined
HR in disruptive world : ep 3-1 Workforce redefined